Πως μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω τη λίστα bogusmx.rfc-ignorant.org στο sendmail;

Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε το ακόλουθο hack στο sendmail.mc σας:
# This file can be fully integrated in your .mc.  If you copypasted it
# from your web browser do NOT use it.  Remember that in .mc files the
# LHS and the RHS are separated with tabs not spaces.  So you have to 
# download it, not copypaste it.
# Tested on sendmail-8.13.4 (Debian/stable).
# Yiorgos Adamopoulos, 2006/02/13

# Normally these should not be defined, since Kdnsbl does exactly what
# Kbmx_check does, and Kmacro does what Kbmx_macro does.
Kbmx_check dns -R A -a.FOUND -T.TMP
Kbmx_macro macro

R$*			$: $>canonify $1
R$* < @ $+ . > $*	$1 < @ $2 > $3
R$* < @ $+ > $*		$: $2
R$*			$: $(bmx_macro {Bmx} $@ $1 $) $1
R$*			$: $(bmx_check $&{Bmx}.bogusmx.rfc-ignorant.org. $: $1.NOTFOUND $)
R$* . FOUND		$#error $@ 5.7.1 $: Mail from $&{Bmx} refused. It is listed in bogusmx.rfc-ignorant.org.